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Marine Atlantic

SAP Partner (Application Management and Continuous Improvement)

Open Date: 20-MARCH-2024

Close Date: 16-APRIL-2024

Country: Canada

Procurement Method: Proposal


MAI is seeking a supplier to supply SAP consulting services who will work with MAI information technology and business subject matter experts (SME’s) to support and enhance MAI’s SAP solution landscape. Work executed under this RFP will be divided between SAP application management services and continuous improvement via project delivery.

SAP project delivery initiatives will be defined by MAI’s corporate strategy and divisional
objectives and is subject to available funding. MAI is looking for supplier who is willing to provide an agile delivery model based on the demands and capacity of the organization and is capable of building and maintaining momentum in the realm of ERP innovation. The consulting partner will work with MAI to ensure consistency and stability of core ERP applications and identify opportunities for ERP innovation and enhancement..